I am a purple and orange wolf-thing that loves to make music! Just call me Ri, pronounced "Ree" like you're a small, crazed rat or something. Technically I'm an anthro African Golden Wolf, but hey, do the details really matter?
Anyway, I grew up listening to, playing, and making music. Most of it was classical at the time, but lately I listen to a lot more electronic/rock stuff. My favorites are always Baroque music, videogame music and EDM, though, so certainly that's the sphere a lot of my music fits in. Imagine going to the club but it's Bach spitting straight dubstep, that's the kinda vibes I'm going for, though certainly my music's quite varied in sound and style.
I just wanna make music that's fun to listen to. I love listening to beautiful music, whether it's Bach's violin concerto in A minor, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon music, Persona music, or a good EDM banger, and all that inspires me to make music that others relate to, too. Having a hand – well, er, paw – in a soundtrack as good as Persona's or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon's or Celeste's would be amazing. Either that or an awesome EDM album along the lines of Justice's Cross or, even, Daft Punk's Random Access Memories. All of those are huge inspirations to me, along with a host of classical music that I can never remember because it's all named stuff like "Symphony 3 in F major" or "Concerto 4" or else it's one of the literal thousands of pieces called "Allemande." Just classical music problems.
Aside from music I've got an interest in coffee, computers, and mixology. I make my own coffee in the morning and appreciate the art that goes into every aspect of making coffee from roast to cup. Alongside that I like making drinks, it's a lot of fun pairing complex liquors like gin and rum with other flavors and experiencing the vast world of alcohol. Gin's a favorite of mine, but rum's a lot of fun too.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention how much I adore chocolate, chocolate milkshakes, mochas, hot chocolate, chocolate cake...
Seriously, though, I love being able to craft personal experiences, whether it's music or a good latte or a fun rum punch to relax with. Music is by far my greatest passion, though, I wish to share experiences by making music that moves others. Hopefully the music I make resonates with you, that means I made something that means something, and that would, well, mean a lot to me.